Archive for the ‘Trikes’ Category

On A Roll

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

Jacob and Ryan try out their new trike

It was a simple sales enquiry received from a man in the Yorkshire area.

Did we have any trikes? His son Ryan was visually impaired and he was looking for a way to give him some exercise and fresh air, as well as a bit of father-son bonding time.

Anthony was only too happy to load the van and make the trip out to meet the family.  He had brought a two-wheeled Theraplay trailer which attaches to the back of an adult’s bike. It was a brand new model – only just brought out by the manufacturer.

Anthony supervised the fitting and the dad and son team set off on their maiden voyage – grinning and laughing the whole way. It came as little surprise when Jacob bought the trike on the spot!

We have developed our range of Tricycles together with parents who have children and teenagers with various balance problems and disabilities.  Therapists advise that the exercise of cycling in many instances enhances muscular development and our special needs trikes are ideal. Fresh air is not only therapeutic, the enjoyment of cycling in the garden, in parks and on cycling paths, for free, has a good feel factor.

We’d be delighted to bring you a range to try if you live in the north of England – give us a call.